
It will be volatile and pretty intense.  There can be disharmony and noise in our planet – a bit more of what we’ve been experiencing for months now.  Do not fear, though. These are signs of a path to rebirth…the pendulum will slowly start swinging to the other side, a new beginning. This Aries Full...

October 20, 2021Astroby Ellie

Libra New Moon! And as I always say…each new moon offers a new beginning and a fresh start. This new moon also gives us the opportunity to intensify our relationships.  Libra is an air sign and those born under this sign love being with and around other people. They aim to connect, tend to be...

October 6, 2021Astroby Ellie

Photo by Ellie Manso Kane Leaves changing on my Maple Tree Early autumn mornings, everyone asleep The house is quiet and hushed The grandfather clock echoes soft rhythmic ticks Dim light appears as the sun starts to rise A cool breeze floats through an open window Coffee brews and breakfast sizzles Soft blankets and a...

September 22, 2021Astroby Ellie

Full Moon beautifully shining in Pisces tonight…just two days before the Autumn Equinox! This Pisces Mystical Moon will intensify intuition, compassion and wisdom. Expect humility and devotion to be very symbolic during this next thirty days. It is also a meaningful time to honor our ancestors and those loved ones we have lost – an...

September 20, 2021Astroby Ellie

Happy New Moon in Virgo, 2021! Today, September 7th is a mighty and dynamic day. This Virgo New Moon will entertain us as the last new moon before we experience the Fall Equinox. In our Celestial Maps, the Moon represents our spiritual vibrations – and the new moon is an excellent time to renew our...

September 7, 2021Astroby Ellie

Full Moon in Aquarius today…second one in Aquarius! The Full Moon in July was also in the sign of innovation and vision…so, the energies and forces of these full moons are connected – and whatever we may have started in July may come to its completion or conclusion with this Blue Moon. Of great impact...

August 22, 2021Astroby Ellie

Our beautiful planet Earth will be coming between Jupiter and the Sun today, August 19, 2021, when Jupiter and the Sun will go opposite one another. This will take place at 8:00pm EDT, and Jupiter will appear at its brightest light, and rising in the East – while the Sun hides below the West at...

August 19, 2021Astroby Ellie

Today,  August 8th, 2021, the New Moon is in Leo. Each New Moon signals a clean start…the beginning of a new cycle. This is always the best time to state your goals and desires – and see them come true! Leo is courageous, loud, and bold. It will indeed get the attention it deserves. Moving...

August 8, 2021Astroby Ellie

The New Moon in Gemini came to us today at 652am; and we are also experiencing a Solar Eclipse. This being a North node Eclipse, our collective…and individual fate is emphasized, as it points to a fresh new beginning. There is plenty motion and shifting going on with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces…And the Sun,...

June 10, 2021Astroby Ellie

The New Moon in Taurus arrived at 3pm EST today! It brings with it a way to settle into our own being and a new eclipse season signaling that it is time to become quite intentional with our plan and objectives. During the next thirty days, the eclipse may untangle our desires and expectations in...

May 11, 2021Astroby Ellie

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