Our beautiful planet Earth will be coming between Jupiter and the Sun today, August 19, 2021, when Jupiter and the Sun will go opposite one another. This will take place at 8:00pm EDT, and Jupiter will appear at its brightest light, and rising in the East – while the Sun hides below the West at the horizon. Jupiter will be closest to Earth on August 20th, 2021, and visible to us on both nights.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, and it symbolizes expansion and knowledge as it surrounds us with joy, optimism and generosity. It reigns over our healing abilities in our birth charts…also bringing great luck and abundance.
In my Celestial Map, Jupiter is in Pisces which celebrates spirituality. So, its presence in this sign, for me, magnifies feelings and experiences of a spiritual nature…expanded by this benevolent planet to levels never dreamed possible.
Where is Jupiter in your Birth Chart?