It will be volatile and pretty intense. There can be disharmony and noise in our planet – a bit more of what we’ve been experiencing for months now. Do not fear, though. These are signs of a path to rebirth…the pendulum will slowly start swinging to the other side, a new beginning.
This Aries Full Moon is opposing the Sun, Mars, and Mercury, all in the sign of Libra; with both the Sun and Mars squaring Pluto, predicting spirited and feisty days ahead. However, this moon also sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius, letting us know there are choices. Both Jupiter and Mercury went direct just before this Full Moon, and this will help us break inner and outer barriers.
We must remain clear and decisive through these rough patches. It would be beneficial to attach to a group, or a cause which lines up with our beliefs…a place where we can find support and comfort. And let us remain conscious that these forces above are stirring things up…simply acting as is their essential nature.
Stay centered and true to yourself.
Aries Full Moon – October 20th, 2021